What we're expecting

What we're expecting

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reese's 1st month!

Wow, my baby has completed 1 month! Happy 1st month, my darling.. As me and my husband had agreed on, we'll be celebrating her monthly growth with a cake (which is a must, and an excuse for mommy to eat, haha!). But since it was her first month, we planned to have more than cake, we ha a simple party and invited friends over to our house to celebrate with us.

On her visit to her paediatrician for her 1st month check up, she weighed 4 kg, and with a length of 53 cm. Previous weight and height were 3 kg and 50 cm on the day she was born. Thanks God for her growth and for the good health He has given her.

Her activities/milestones:
* sleeps and feeds (everyday! I can't remember a day when she was able to stay awake for a long time. oh well, at least she's quiet and doesn't get irritated or fussy)
* lifts her head up (especially when burping or winding.. though she still tends to make a headbang)
* smiles (aww.. such a lovely smile she's got)
* 1st vaccines - BCG and Hepa B (at the hospital before being discharged)

1st month pictures:

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